Haxe Roundup 714

by Skial Bainn edited on

Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.

Community Updates

News and Articles

  • [upcoming/event]The next Haxe Roundup Roundup Discord event is scheduled for August 4th at 18:45.
  • Haxe 4.3.5 announcement post! 🌟
  • Haxe IntelliJ plugin 1.5.6 has been released.
  • TilBuci, a free interactive content creator made with OpenFL.
  • Hxcpp: Ways to retain objects outside of Haxe? question & answers.
  • Bring It On! Full Release Date has been announced!
  • Renaine: Enter the Dojo article.


In case you missed it
  • ⛏️Cave/Glade Generator is now a part of Procgen Arcana article by Oleg Dolya.
  • Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers thread.
  • Fraymakers Update v0.6.13 - Engine Upgrade Release.
  • Tightrope Theatre 1.0.5 Rebalancing Update.
  • Northgard patch notes for 04/07/24.
  • Printersim Achievements Bug Fix post.

Videos & Music

  • The latest Asteroids Armory3D video - Player Collision.
  • 📌 Reminder that Squidly does a Haxe dev stream every weekday on Twitch. 6pm EST -> 12am EST Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. 12pm EST -> 6pm EST Thursday/Friday.
  • 📝 Add a video related to Haxe.
In case you missed it

Jobs, Bounties

Available for work

  • You can hire Tim Hely, a highly experienced Haxe & HaxeFlixel developer, with 20+ years of experience!

Job listings


Product Releases

  • None this time.

Previews & Demos

Open Source

  • A JSONPath evaluator for Haxe, now released on HaxeLib: jsonpath. ⭐
Git Repos
  • OpenFL 9.3.4 has been released.
  • Lime 8.1.3 has been released.
  • entities2 git
  • KumoUI git - KumoUI: Immediate-mode platform-agnostic UI library.
  • tagg git - Textures and graffiti generator based on layer stacking.
  • Check out the latest open source Haxe projects over on GitHub.

Closed Source

  • The latest GIFs from Renaine:

Some Library Releases

People & Projects to support

  • Axol Studio is a small independent game development studio, making games with and contributing to HaxeFlixel.
  • Funkin’ Crew is making Friday Night Funkin’, a cartoon rhythm gaming excellence.
  • Patrick is creating Raspberry Pi 4 support for Haxe/Lime/OpenFL/HaxeFlixel.
  • Josh Tynjala is working on Feathers UI — open source, cross-platform UI components built with OpenFL.
  • Pavel Alexandrov is primarily contributing to the Heaps engine and is the creator of format-tiled library.
  • Ian Harrigan is working on primarily HaxeUI, as well as hxArduino & hxWebSockets.
  • Kaelan Evans is working on HxDoom, a Haxe adaption of Doom.
  • Richard Oliver Bray is teaching people the things he’s learnt, like React, Typescript and Haxe.
  • Alexander Gordeyko is developing Pony, a Haxe open-cross-library.
  • Andy Li is working around the Haxe ecosystem: CI, packaging, docs and learning materials.
  • Kevin Leung is creating open source software libraries.
  • Robert Konrad, the Kha author, is creating Programming Toolkits.
  • OpenFL is creating free open source software.
  • HaxeUI is creating an open source user interface libraries.
  • HaxeFlixel is creating an open source, cross platform 2D game engine.
  • Slava Ra is creating improvements for FlashDevelop and HaxeDevelop.
  • Mark Knol is working on Haxe and its documentation.
  • Dan Korostelev is working on the Haxe compiler.

Updates from the Haxe core

Current Proposals & Discussions

Core Changes

62~ updates have been made to Haxe since the last issue.

  • Use whole import position when storing subtype import resolution data merged.
  • [hl] Fix interface override function resolution merged.
  • [hlc] Use uint64 instead of uint64_t for shift cast merged.
  • [neko] Neko 2.4.0 has been released.
  • Local static in inlined function gets optimized away with analyzer fixed.
  • Switch Abstract<Null<Int>> generation differ from Null<Int> fixed,
  • [hxcpp] HXCPP 4.3.49 has been released.
  • [hxcpp] Struct<NativeEnum, EnumHandler> does not work in switch expression issue.
In case you missed it
  • [4.3.5] Backport Json RPC diagnostics pull request.
  • Null-coalescing operator cast before test against null issue fixed.
  • [hashlink] Unexpected implicit cast to Int, from abstract(Null<Int>) issue.
  • [hxcpp] HXCPP_CXX_STANDARD define issue.
  • [hxcpp] CI - Updated version handling pull request.
  • [neko] Pre-release of neko 2.4.0-rc.

You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe and see the impact the latest changes have on each target by browsing the benchmarks site. Head over to OSS Insights for more Haxe statistics.

Take it easy everyone, stay safe and see next time. ☮🕊