Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.
Community Updates
News and Articles
- Kid Bubblegum devlog
by Andrej. - LDtk – Level Designer Toolkit in 2023 by Game From Scratch.
Logo has been working on a list of people in the Haxe community on open platforms such as Mastodon.
Haxe.Social is a new unofficial Akkoma instance for Haxe developers and projects.
In case you missed it
- Advocating lisp-ish metadata on typed metadata article.
- Presenting Hammerspoon-hx community announcement.
- Via the Haxe Discord server, Sayofthelor made HaxeQuest
for a school project which was also presented at their school showcase. - ☠️Perilous Shores
: improved towns and woods by Oleg Dolya. - Bundle Beeline got a 2nd place for graphics. via Gourami.
Kid Bubblegum devlog#1
by Andrej.[devlog]
New Fraymakers Patch! Tons of New Sprites and Character Changes![devlog]
Bring It On!v0.10
- Catacombs Update Released![devlog]
Wartales Release Notes for24/05/2023
Minicology Spring 2023 devlog.
Videos & Music
Reminder that Squidly does a Haxe dev stream every weekday on Twitch. 6pm EST -> 12am EST Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. 12pm EST -> 6pm EST Thursday/Friday.
Add a video related to Haxe.
In case you missed it
- Minicology - Devlog reel for Spring 2023.
- Star Victory from Rogue of Vallas video.
- Bring It On! Catacombs
video. - Via the Haxe Discord server, Small pixel art animation by pixel_turkey made with Haxe.
Jobs, Bounties
Add an available job involving Haxe.
Looking for work
- Alex Johansson is looking for a part time/contractor role.
- Rudy Geslin is available for freelance work.
Job listings
- Backend Haxe devs wanted to make PVP deltarune fangame listing.
- Ysbryd Games is looking for HaxePunk porters for a potential future title.
- Sean James McKenzie of Armor Games Studios is looking for a team experienced in porting Haxe games to console.
- Armory3D bounties are available.
- Keep an eye on the Funkin Bounties repo for future items.
- Basic Platformer Pathfinding AI for HaxeFlixel
bounty. - Squidly has opened up a bounties page for HaxeFlixel features.
Product Releases
- Return Portal, Robert Alvarez newest puzzle platformer is now playable on Poki.
Via the Haxe Discord server
In case you missed it
- Kid Bubblegum now has a Steam page. Which means that you can wishlist it!
- Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania Standard & Signature Editions are coming 11th August to PS4/5 and Nintendo Switch. via Motion Twin.
Previews & Demos
Open Source
Community Showcase
- The recreation/port of “Dojo of Death” to HaxeFlixel is nearing completion! George Harpwood is currently adding the final touches.
- Oleg Dolya hoped this would look like fir trees…
Via the Haxe Discord server
- IntelliJ Haxe Plugin
Beta build 13d3d685f5
by m0rkeulv.
Git Repos
- hxdb
- A powerful and lightweight JSON driven Haxe database. - OpenFL
has been released. - Lime
has been released. - Check out the latest open source Haxe projects over on GitHub.
Closed Source
- SRDude presents “to you the first(?) Gameboy Advance game created in Haxe.”
- Jurien Meerlo has “added gravity activated moving walls. Need to work on the procgen placement logic a bit. They can spawn in not ideal places at the moment.”
- Jérémy Faivre has resumed work on their small jam game from January about harvesting light with mirrors.
- Something tells Lars Doucet that this little psycopath is going to become a fan favourite character in Defenders Quest 2.
- A sewer level for Kid Bubblegum.
- Pacing and balance can really transform something from a bunch of systems into a real game. By Clyde for Into the Necrovale.
- New quick videos from Renaine:
- Call and response.
- Testing out some stuff.
- I think I may have missed the wall.
Via the Haxe Discord server
- ZwodahS has updated Crop Rotation.
- Idenner has “been trying to incorporate a bit more procedural animation into my enemies” in Minicology.
Some Library Releases
- openfl
- lime
- bootstrap_bundle
- sasl
- neutralinojs
- jans
- omdb
- SScript
- cxx2hx
- hx_webserver
- tweenxcore
- Check out the most recent library releases on HaxeLib.
People & Projects to support
- Axol Studio is a small independent game development studio, making games with and contributing to HaxeFlixel.
- Funkin’ Crew is making Friday Night Funkin’, a cartoon rhythm gaming excellence.
- Patrick is creating Raspberry Pi 4 support for Haxe/Lime/OpenFL/HaxeFlixel.
- Josh Tynjala is working on Feathers UI — open source, cross-platform UI components built with OpenFL.
- Pavel Alexandrov is primarily contributing to the Heaps engine and is the creator of format-tiled library.
- Ian Harrigan is working on primarily HaxeUI, as well as hxArduino & hxWebSockets.
- Kaelan Evans is working on HxDoom, a Haxe adaption of Doom.
- Richard Oliver Bray is teaching people the things he’s learnt, like React, Typescript and Haxe.
- Alexander Gordeyko is developing Pony, a Haxe open-cross-library.
- Andy Li is working around the Haxe ecosystem: CI, packaging, docs and learning materials.
- Kevin Leung is creating open source software libraries.
- Robert Konrad, the Kha author, is creating Programming Toolkits.
- OpenFL is creating free open source software.
- HaxeUI is creating an open source user interface libraries.
- HaxeFlixel is creating an open source, cross platform 2D game engine.
- Slava Ra is creating improvements for FlashDevelop and HaxeDevelop.
- Mark Knol is working on Haxe and its documentation.
- Dan Korostelev is working on the Haxe compiler.
Updates from the Haxe core
Current Proposals & Discussions
- Add support for Typed metadata proposal.
- Add support for Extension of Abstracts proposal.
- Add Shading proposal with alt macro solution.
- Add package alias proposal.
- Add Integer data types proposal.
- Add Trailing Block Expressions proposal.
- Add Caller Tracking proposal.
- Add Traits proposal.
- Add Constructor
syntax proposal. - Add new syntax for getters & setters inspired by the
property syntax proposal. - Add a type for meaningless values (similar to unit type) proposal.
- Add better Overload Support proposal.
- Add Static Extension Meta Functions proposal.
- Add
enum abstract
proposal, plus clarification. - Add Enum abstract instances proposal.
Xml Dsl’s discussion.- Add Default values for enum parameters.
Do you have an idea to improve Haxe? Consider creating a proposal.
Core Changes
16~ updates have been made to Haxe in the last week.
In case you missed it
- Null exception when casting with inheritance of depth 2+ issue.
You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe and see the impact the latest changes have on each target by browsing the benchmarks site. Head over to OSS Insights for more Haxe statistics.
Take it easy everyone, stay safe and see you next week.