Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.
Community Updates
News and Articles
- The results for the Newgrounds HaxeFlixel game jam have been published!
- Code Wars now supports Haxe! via Noah Betzen.
Here is the announcement post on the Haxe forum.
- Coconut.UI bootstrap library showcase by Mark Knol.
- Armory Digest May 2020. Join this months Armory3D community game competition!
- Renaine Kickstarter Update #28 - Growing the Team and Other Updates by Octosoft.
- Small Untitled RPG Devlog #7 by Peter Achberger.
- Kha has over
stars now, that’s more than10%
of CryEngineTo celebrate the occasion, check out Kha’s and Kinc’s new mascot!. 🦜
- Extra Quarantine: Defender’s Quest 2 Progress for April 2020 by Lars Doucet.
In case you missed it
- Do you want a colour named after Haxe? Well, you can vote for it!
- A brief Haxe Tutorial by John Gabriele.
- Heaps Cool Guide Part 1 by jefvel.
- The Stencyl jam 19 results have been announced!
- The HaxeFlixel Newgrounds game jam was a great success with a total of 24 games being submitted!
- Tom Rhodes has created a little one pager for a friend to try and drum up some online teaching business.
- Sébastien Bénard has written Part 3 - Distributing a Haxe project and Part 4 - Localize texts using PO files.
- FeathersUI Haxe OpenFL devlog: TreeView, optimised virtual layouts in ListView, GridView progress, PageIndicator, PageNavigator and more.
- Josh Tynjala has posted a thread about how the Haxe/OpenFL version of FeatherUI is coming along.
- Updating the Haxe-FMOD integration for Windows and Web.
- Haxe devs are a different kind of weird
You can run Haxe code and use a Haxe library on Discord. via 'Damilare Darmie Akinlaja.
Videos & Music
- Ep. 90 - Making Games with the Haxe Programming Language Part 2 by CodebaseAlpha.
- Quick-tip videos for Stencyl developers by Luyren:
- Why you should use behavior’s.
- Know the Basic Events.
- Use Custom Events.
- Get and Set Attributes.
- Beware of Friction.
- Know your Collisions.
- Check for non Collisions.
- Add a video related to Haxe.
In case you missed it
- Real time path tracing in ArmorPaint by Lubos Lenco.
- Implementing dynamic rope in the learning project (Haxe + Heaps + Nape) by Edwin Syarief.
- Playing Newgrounds HaxelFlixel Jam Games twitch stream by Joe Williamson.
Upcoming Events & Talks
- EU Haxe Summit 2020 - Let’s meet in Linz.
- Add an upcoming event about Haxe.
Job Offers & Bounties
- Playata are looking for a AS3/Haxe/PHP Software Developer to join them.
- Squidly has opened up a bounties page for HaxeFlixel features.
- Lars Doucet’s list of various open bounties.
- Add an available job involving Haxe.
Product Releases & Announcements
- Dolorosa has arrived in Darksburg.
- Gummywormz has released TrashLand onto
. - Full Moon Coffee is a game created by Oleg Dolya for Adventure Jam 2020.
- The first Stencyl game port by Ratalaika just got QA-approved on Switch & Xbox One, while still waiting for PS4. If you have any Haxe or Stencyl games and want porting let them know!
- Shaman4d has created a few variations of tetris game:
- TetrisHx in zen mode.
- ColumnsHx.
- ColorConjuctionHx.
Code Examples
- Have an example you want to add? Consider contributing to the code.haxe.org cookbook.
Previews & Demos
Open Source
- Lubos Lenco has released Armory3D
. - Experimenting with Angle Gradients on 2D polygons by Nanjizal.
- BASS MASTER ONLINE by Austin East is open sourced!
- Urjasvi Suthar has released Rice2D
. Check out the 2-player Pong clone example. - Sausage Redemption made by Gauthier Billot for
. The game is open sourced. - Kaelan Evans continues his work on Haxe port of Doom:
- Tried reasoning out my own triangulation algorithm. Everything seemed fine on paper, but it did not work in practice.
- Getting closer to floor drawing in Doom.
- Finally worked out how to sort the vertex data per sector in a way I can start triangulating the data.
Closed Source
- Editing in Marching Cubes by Urjasvi Suthar.
- Here are some new Phantom Path screenshots. The release is near, so stay tuned! Wishlist the game on Steam.
- New quick video from Skullz’n’Skeletons by Pizza.
- What will he decide… from Leapin Lads by Cory Martin.
- New quick video from
turn based puzzle game by mauve. - Quick video showing breakable platforms in “Go! Go! Pogo Girl” by Andrej.
- GIFs from new
Stencyl based game by Robert Alvarez:- Working on a new one-button game.
- Added some rotation changing pickups.
- These blocks turn off when switching from one side to another.
- A couple of GIFs by Lewis Lepton, showing his experiments with collisions:
- A couple of quick videos from
Stencyl based game by Ben Simms:- Loads of tweaking to do, but at least one dude is talking…
- Added some “moody” lighting.
LD46 “Keep it alive”
In case you missed missed it.
- Brawnfire
- JarHeads by Aurel300.
- The Little Ship That Could by Gama11 (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Tumble Baby by Will Blanton (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Keep it Alive, Keep them Alive by Jérémy Fa (made with ceramic engine).
- Corona Grocery Run by sneaky cocoon (made with Heaps).
- “Covid Conundrum” Civil Policy Simulator by merrak (made with Stencyl).
- Mr.Virus by Blackgoku36 (made with Kha and Rice2D).
- Fire Logs by Joaquin Bello (made with Kha and khawy).
- Save Ivee by Piotr (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Bastion Defender by AxG (made with PixiJS and Pony).
- JUMPGOLF by torcado (made with Stencyl).
- Tower Defence of the Heart by Terry Cavanagh (made with Heaps).
- Keep It Powered by Robert Alvarez (made with Stencyl).
- Keep On by Cory Martin (made with Stencyl).
- Mis Vacas by Edu Alonso and hhmod-mus (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Anibun Help Me! by Dan Lin (made with HaxeFlixel).
- DEBUGGER by Ruari O’Sullivan (made with OpenFL and haxegon).
- Crystalium by Andrei Rudenko (made with clay engine).
- Feed King or Die Starving by jefvel and rosettastoned (made with Heaps).
- Soul Seed by Unept (made with Stencyl).
- Pet Protecc TD by Mlle. Psychosis (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Let’s stick together by Sergij Kryvosheia (Syo) (made with Heaps).
- Keep it alive by ZwodahS (made with Heaps).
- Delivery Space Attack by ck656 (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Morphology by Theodote, Elvendan, Shess and Pavel Alexandrov (made with Heaps).
- None left Behind by pirhana (made with Heaps).
- Save the Space Whales! by Aik (made with HaxeFlixel).
- Big Monster Bird by Fab.
- ANTRUM is an unfinished entry by disktree (made with Armory3D), with source code.
Some Library Releases
- coconut.react-dom
- tink_domspec
- cobbles
- coconut.react-core
- kha
- coconut.vdom
- coconut.diffing
- coconut.ui
- dropecho.dungen
- dropecho.interop
- DomWires
- echo
- tink_state
- tink_pure
- tink_anon
- coconut.data
- openfl-aseprite
- aseprite-lua
- faxe2
- Rice2D
- tink_semver
- tink_htmlstring
- resize
- hxnodejs-node-jose
- test-adapter
- travix
- transition
- pony
- rit5
- Checkout the most recent library releases on HaxeLib.
Framework Updates
- None found this week.
People & Projects to support
- Alexander Gordeyko is developing Pony, a Haxe open-cross-library.
- Andy Li is working around the Haxe ecosystem: CI, packaging, docs and learning materials.
- Kevin Leung is creating open source software libraries.
- Robert Konrad, the Kha author, is creating Programming Toolkits.
- Lubos & contributors are creating Armory, an open source 3D game engine in Blender.
- OpenFL is creating free open source software.
- HaxeUI is creating an open source user interface libraries.
- HaxeFlixel is creating an open source, cross platform 2D game engine.
- Slava Ra is creating improvements for FlashDevelop and HaxeDevelop.
- Mark Knol is working on Haxe and its documentation.
- Dan Korostelev is working on the Haxe compiler.
- Eric Bishton is creating the Haxe plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
- Will Blanton is creating HaxeFlixel tutorials.
- Matthew Wallace is creating Haxe By Example tutorials.
- August Late is creating unique 2D lighting tech.
Updates from the Haxe core
Current Proposals & Discussions
- Add Default implementations in interfaces proposal.
- Add Abstract classes proposal.
- Add ReadOnlyArray optimisation proposal.
- Carry comments through to target language proposal.
- Add support for on site getters & setters proposal.
- Add support for
access for abstracts proposal. [RFC]
Xml Dsl’s discussion.- Add support for default type parameters proposal.
- Add polymorphic
types proposal. - Add Type parameter variance for Enums.
- Add Default values for enum parameters.
- Do you have an idea to improve Haxe? Consider creating a proposal.
Core Changes
34~ commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.
- Compiler is not renaming name clashes fixed.
StringBuf with emojis throws uncatchable exception fixed.[php]
class should implement the nativeCountable
interface fixed.final
not respected by write access with unrelated constructor fixed.
In case you missed it
- Large file support discussion.
You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe and see the impact the latest changes have on each target by browsing the benchmarks site.
Take it easy everyone, stay safe and have a good week!