Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.
Community Updates
News and Articles
- Haxe Summit 2017 has been announced taking place in Amsterdam between September 13th and 16th at “de Roos”. Only a few days left to get your early bird tickets!
- Help form the Haxe tutorial for beginners workshop at the Haxe Summit 2017 by taking their poll.
- A quick primer with source code for Text Particles in HaxeFlixel.
Upcoming Events
- François Barbut will be speaking at RMLL2017
about Cagettenet.
- Add an upcoming event about Haxe.
Job Offers & Bounties
- Secret Media are looking for full stack Haxe developer to join them, who are a remote friendly company.
- Add an available job involving Haxe.
Past Events
- Full GameSys London HaxeFlixel for HTML5 & Shapes in Haxe recording.
- GameSys London Creating Shapes in Kha details and talk.
Code Examples
- Using Strings.
- Have an example you want to add? Consider contributing to the
Previews & Demos
Open Source
- Armory is getting a vegetation module and it looks amazing.
- Distraction free markdown editor using Electron.
- L-System demo works with Kha and Luxe.
Apps & Games
- Some tooling love for an unreleased love3d powered game.
- love3d powered grass and beautiful world.
- Fireflies created with Kha.
- Improving WootMaths smooth multitouch fraction manipulatives on mobile web.
- Testing multiplayer with Kha and WebRTC.
App & Game Releases
- Infinity - To The Top released onto itch.io.
Some Library Releases
- vscode
- haxework
- hexmachina
- textParticles
- datetime
- PixiGAFPlayer
- version
- priori-screenmanager
Updates from the Haxe core
Current Proposals
- Add function type syntax.
- Add Type Matching.
- Add Macro method forwarding.
- Add Union Types.
- Add the Spread operator.
- Do you have an idea to improve Haxe? Consider creating a proposal.
Core Changes
14 commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.
- HXCPP Cache fixes - pull request
You can get started using the latest features by downloading a nightly build of Haxe.
Take it easy everyone and have a good week!