Haxe Roundup № 361

by Skial Bainn published on

Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.

News from the Community

News and Articles

The World Wide Haxe Conference 2016 crowd-funding campaign has been successfully funded! The campaign gained a total of £4300!

Sven Bergström is back with two articles this week. Both interesting reads.

  1. Porting Threes to luxe, part 1.
  2. Snõwkit dev log #11 - rendering part one.

Nicolas Vereenoghe has written a short intro to their prototype of a level editor, built with extern type definitions of PixiJS, with Flump, which you can try out for yourselves.

Vadim has published shorthand expression matching, detailing how he created a small, useful macro with reduces the amount of code needed to match and extract a value from an Enum.

The most recent Ludum Dare Roundup has been released, featuring a small collection of LD35 games built with Haxe. If your game isn’t listed, you can add it to my todo list or create a pull request.

Lewis Lepton has released two further Kha tutorials onto YouTube, ep17 - translate and ep18 - entity creation.


Job Offers & Bounties

Previews, Demos & Snippets

Game releases

Some library releases

Updates from the Haxe core

92 commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.

You can start using the latest features by grabbing a nightly build of Haxe.

Take it easy everyone and have a good week!