Haxe Roundup № 355

by Skial Bainn published on

Welcome to the latest edition of the Haxe Roundup. Haxe is a high level, strictly typed programming language and cross-compiler.

News from the Community

News and Articles

This week has seen two big releases.

HaxeFlixel 4.0.0 has finally been released and snõw has progressed to alpha-2.0, with a large architectural change.

JeriX has created svipt, a command line tool that “takes svg file as an input to prepare app icon files for different platforms”. I could see other frameworks including this in their build processes.

Sven Bergström has started yet another project, to document HXCPP! The HXCPP guide has only just been created, but it’s already got a lot of valuable information in it. Keep an eye on the issues, as Lars Doucet has written down all his HXCPP CFFI knowledge which he used to get the SteamWrap library working.

Haxe is the target for a recently announced open source project jtransc, which was announced on the mailing list. It converts kotlin by Jetbrains using to generate Haxe code. Nuts.

Sidenote. I was surprised and impressed by the HaxeFlixel teams openness and transparency when it comes to their finances.


  • WWX2016 Haxe Conference at Mozilla Paris between 27th-30th May.
  • Want to talk at the WWX2016 conference? Submit your proposal to the WWX2016 GitHub repo.

Job Offers

Game Releases

Previews, Demos & Snippets

As usual, Lubos Lenco has shared two amazing previews of his in-progress Kha Blender engine, Cycles. The first showing image based rendering, the second showing a cerberus gun using physically based rendering.

Some library releases

Updates from the Haxe core

13 commits have been made to Haxe compiler in the last week.

You can start using the latest features by grabbing a nightly build of Haxe.

Have a good week everyone!