Haxe Roundup № 317

by Skial Bainn published on
wwx 2015 social
WWX 2015 in Paris between 29th May and 1st June!

Jason O'Neil has shared his startup Today We Learned which “is a website and app that guides teachers through a 60-second update, which empowers parents to start learning conversations at home with their children. Research shows these conversations have a significant impact on student motivation, behaviour and learning.”

Comments about Today We Learned can be found over on Hacker News, so go vote it up and if your working in the education sector, consider sharing the site. Jason states the service is free to schools worldwide.

Jason is largely responsible for the Haxe.org website, ufront and helps with more Haxe server related topics/projects. I think its pretty safe to assume that Today We Learned is powered by ufront.

Not content on mentioning one startup, checkout Haxor which I've mentioned a few times in the roundups before, which has had a little article written about them titled Introducing the Brazilian startup, Haxor.

Adam Le Doux has written Luxe Engine, Snõwkit and Haxe (Oh My!) in which he introduces luxe engine, snõwkit and Haxe, where it fits in the game engine spectrum and the potential Adam sees.

It’s true that Unity has a good community with lots of tutorials and help websites. However, Snõwkit has a different sort of community feel. It’s something more like a collaboration. I’m enjoying how welcoming and active it is. And I’m enjoying the small contributions (tiny bugfixes) I’ve been able to make.

The underlying sentiment from the above quote has been mentioned before in various posts and tweets.

Clément Charmet shared a video, embedded below, of a project he created the decoder for, using OpenFL called LogForData. “The decoding of the content is made possible by linking up a cassette player to a computer connected to logfordata.net”. This is one of the more odd, but awesomely interesting projects I've seen Haxe used for.

Jeff Campbell has written the article Unit Testing in Haxe using MassiveUnit (munit). It gives you a good concise overview on how to install and setup munit for any project.

There has been a huge influx of HaxeLib releases and updates, largely because of Franco's mass update of his thx libraries and his other projects sui, minicanvas, dots, and abe, which, if you havnt already, you should definitely check out.

The other HaxeLib releases this week are:

  • Kha, an “ultra portable game/media-app framework”.
  • Hamcrest, “a library of Matchers (also known as constraints or predicates) allowing 'match' rules to be defined declaratively, to be used in other framework”.
  • dat.GUI, “Haxe extern for dat.GUI, a lightweight graphical user interface for changing variables in JavaScript”.
  • HxDOM, “a cross-platform implementation of the DOM. Built to reduce duplicate code across server and client”.
  • HowlerJS, “externs of HowlerJS v2.0.0-beta for Haxe - Audio library for the modern web”.
  • PixiJS, “externs of pixi.js v3 for Haxe - JavaScript 2D webGL renderer with canvas fallback”.
  • Starling, a “GPU powered 2D rendering engine which mimics the conventional Flash display list architecture”.
  • Akifox-AsyncHttp, a “The akifox-asynchttp class aims to provide an easy tool to manage HTTP Request in a pure Asynchronous way using multi-threading on available targets (Neko, CPP, Java), the flash.net.URLLoader on Flash target and haxe.Http on Javascript target”.

There have also been a few new library releases to GitHub:

  • The Awesome Interactions team have ported an AS3 state machine library to Haxe. Take a look at their article which explains some difference between the two.
  • Djoker Soft has ported Opensteer to Haxe and OpenFL. It allows you to “construct steering behaviors for autonomous characters in games and animation”.

Patrick Le Clec'h has another Hacking Haxe experiment that you can try which shows short anonymous types and local constant variables via the const keyword.

silly trees social
Silly trees missed the memo to not auto-place over water by @ericmbernier in AWickedCurse.com

Fuz's Haxe game challenge has come to an end, with challenge 9 and challenge 10 his final updates, which means he created 10 games in 33 days.

With Fuz completing his game challenge, LudumDare 32 came and went over the weekend, which resulted in the Haxe LD32 Roundup being released, only because Fernando Serboncini and Sven Bergström convinced me too.

The Haxe LD32 Roundup includes games using pure Haxe, Heaps, Luxe Engine, OpenFL, HaxeFlixel and Stencyl. If your game isnt on the list, you can add it to the todo list.

Aaron Styles shows evidence how great Haxe, OpenFL and HaxeFlixel are, when a “12yo with little programming experience made this [game] in 2 days”, which is up on kongregate.

haxeflixel haxeui openfl editor gamedev
@haza418 working on an editor for HaxeFlixel using HaxeUI and OpenFL

And to finish off this roundup is a video of BabylonHx and OimoHx compiled to CPP via snõwkit or lime created by Krtolica Vujadin.