Haxe Roundup № 208

by Skial Bainn published on

There are two job offerings that have appeared this week. The first from Massive Interactive who have the largest Haxe engineering team world wide, building “native TV applications across mobile, tablet, smart TV's and the latest game consoles”.

The second is from OCM who are “developing client side product customizer applications in Haxe and are looking for freelance developers with experience in PHP to help with integration into existing ecommerce platforms”.

Justin Donaldson has created a proof of concept macro driven reactive template system called Flow. Definitely checkout the introduction post over on the mailing list which links to the successor of Hxmr which was a macro based mxml replacement.

The Half a Bench duo Craig and Judith have released 81 Rock n Roll to the Play Store and many other stores, which was made with Haxe and OpenFL. Its an addictive game, checkout the trailer below.

Boyan Ololoevich has been busy getting HIDE working with Atom Shell instead of Node Webkit, which now uses node-pathwatcher which has made HIDE alot faster.

haxe hide social
HIDE running in atom-shell

Laurent Bédubourg has written How to use LibGDX with Haxe. Laurent goes into detail on what LibGDX is, how to setup your project structure, integrating with Gradle and getting all this working together.

Lubos Lenco shows below that Kha, an alternative to OpenFL, works on consoles, and to the other end, smart watches, in this case Kha running on the Samsung Gear compiled down to WebGL.

haxe kha
Kha running on the Samsung Gear

Peter Halacsy, CTO of Prezi, the Haxe powered presentation software, has written How and why Prezi turned to JavaScript and “why it took four years” to complete. Its a great read, try and make some time to read it.

Michel Käser has published a sneak peak of hxcurl upcoming multi API.

Mark Knol has added trimming and multipacked spritesheet support to the Flambe TexturePacker library he has written, which was mentioned in lasts week roundup.

Mike Almond has created Monosynth which is a Haxe Flambe audio experiment which runs through WebGL and uses the web audio API. I had to pull myself away from it to finish this roundup.

If you use OpenFL and HaxeFlixel to build native games and are targeting OSX, take a look at Jonathan's post Tip for faster HaxeFlixel and XCode builds.

Heres a sneak peek of Eric Bernier's next HaxeFlixel game.

Thomas Baudon got inspired by Unreal Engines blueprint and has attempted to make his own, embedded below. He has gotten “some good results at the moment”. You can find the source available on GitHub.

TiagoLr has created and released onto haxelib async tests which “ provides async unit tests by extending [the] Haxe standard unit test [library]”. For a quick and easy introduction, head over to async tests on github.

Ohmnivore has started a tigsource devlog for SkullRush, an online multiplayer open source platform shooter. Its powered by HaxeFlixel, HaxeNet, MSignal and loads more Haxe libraries. The game itself is also open source under GPLv3.

Don't Move, made with Haxe, OpenFL and HaxeFlixel and created by Steve Richey “is a game about ninjas, failure, ludonarrative dissonance, and player investment manipulation” and is now on Steam Greenlight!

Pah Arif, author of the Haxe Studio IDE has created the first third party plugin called Probe, which you can watch in action below.

And to finish off here is a video by Steve Richey of a game that actually shows the code used to render it by using macros.