Haxe Roundup № 200

by Skial Bainn published on

Lars Doucet has released his light weight localization library Fire Tongue onto haxelib. The github repository README file is full of setup instructions, asset setup, formatting instructions, a yoda-ish advanced use guide, HaxeFlixel UI integration and more.

Lars has also written about Defenders Quest 2 Engine Progress - Resolution! in which he states how much effort he is putting into HaxeFlixel UI to get the user interface to scale properly all the way up to 1080p, as DQ1 was hard locked at 800x600.

Last week I linked to the HaxeFlixel Game Mechanic Explorer, which this week has been updated with a series of Bullet and Spaceship Motion examples.

HaxeFlixel Haxe teaching students
HaxeFlixel being taught!

Lubos Lenco has created and published a frame animation demo written in Haxe using the Kha framework.

Kha Haxe Frame Animation social
Kha Frame Animation Demo

And the Haxor Engine has a new demo, the Dungeon Demo which has “gizmos” on keys 1-5, X toggles FXAA and Z turns fog on or off.

The Boltmade team have written the article Android Development: Beyond Java in which they tested the waters by using Haxe to compile down to Java in a simple app. Even though they were happy with the results they ended up translating the app back to Java for the client.

Andy Li continues to improve Haxes syntax highlighting across the web by maintaining the Haxe highlighter in Pygments which is responsible for Github's and Bitbucket's syntax highlighting.

And with the recent news that TravisCI now supports OSX through their multi-os beta feature Andy Li is working on getting Haxe and HXCPP to build successfully on OSX.

Pah Arif has released Haxe Studio 0.2 ready for download for Windows, Linux and OSX. If you have any feedback post them to repository issue tracker.

And to finish up, Mark Knol and his team have released AHH which is their latest Flambe project, which runs very smooth. It should definitely go into the Flambe showcase. Great work.