The Haxe Ludum Dare 29 Roundup

by Skial Bainn published on

This is the first dedicated Ludum Dare roundup for Haxe, as every other Ludum Dare list has been rolled into the weekly Haxe Roundup as a small side addition, so its only fair that all these Haxe games get their own roundup.

Ludum Dare 29 took place between April 25th and 28th and the chosen theme was Beneath the Surface.


lich king img haxe social
A Glorious Escape for A Lich King



metro car img openfl
You are a metro car

billy bigdigger img openfl
Billy Bigdigger


super robo garden arena img haxeflixel
Super Robo Garden Arena

from the under img haxeflixel
From the Under

mine explorer img haxeflixel
Mine Explorer

forgotten sea img haxeflixel
Forgotten Sea


under the sea surface img haxepunk
Under the sea surface

beneath a red sky haxepunk img
Beneath a red sky


damned scouts img stencyl
Damned Scouts

sub terraria zero img stencyl
Sub Terraria Zero

the valley rule img stencyl
The Valley Rule