Haxe Roundup № 342

by Skial Bainn published on

Andy Li continues to make Haxe available to everyone on Linux distros, with his latest efforts getting Haxe onto Fedora and openSUSE, jump on over to his post Haxe RPM Packages for Fedora and openSUSE for more details.

Brendan Graetz has published his Haxe for Javascripters slides to his upcoming talk which will be presented at CampJS. You can also buy tickets for it.

Brendan also highlights the discussion of not having a type in Haxe which is just “as easy to manipulate as JavaScript object literals”, with the community offering a StringMap and Dynamic abstract implementations. The next version of Haxe, version 3.3 should hopefully include Abstracts new resolve feature, which does everything people want in the discussion. Or be risky and use a nightly build.

A cross-platform Swift implementation pointed out by Daniel Glazman and Philippe Elsass which, by side effect raises the issue of Haxe’s promotion.

Here are just some of this weeks latest HaxeLib releases:

Philippe Elsass has started writing type definitions for FuseTools over on GitHub, which is “a new, promising, tool for cross-platform mobile apps development”.

Tilman Schmidt has created and published a brand new linc library, linc_rtmidi, which provides “native HXCPP bindings for RtMidi on Mac, Linux and Windows.

With snõwkit getting Apple tvOS support six weeks ago and OpenFL two weeks later, the various changes needed have slowly trickled down and GameDuell’s duell tool has received its own tvOS plugin, available from GitHub.

It looks like the HaxeFlixel community will be getting a full time developer, of around 80 hours per month, which Lars Doucet recent Twitter Poll thread indicates.

There has been a bunch of game related new this week:

Ian Harrigan’s upcoming HaxeUI v2 gets custom fonts and buttons for the OpenFL and luxe engine backends. Ian is currently running two polls, what version 2 backends are more useful to you? and which platforms will be more useful?. Also, the next time you’re on Facebook, head on over to HaxeUI’s page for the latest progress update.

To finish this week’s roundup off are four videos from the community, enjoy.