Haxe Roundup № 216

by Skial Bainn published on

I have published two articles this week, the first being The Haxe Ludum Dare 30 Roundup which features over 85 games using Haxe, Kha, Flambe, OpenFL, HaxePunk, HaxeFlixel and Stencyl. The OpenFL library is used in about 86% of the games and HaxeFlixel being the most popular high level framework in use.

The second article published this week is the video tutorial series, The Nature of Haxe and OpenFL created by Christopher Bulter which is based on the the book The Nature of Code written by Daniel Shiffman which originally uses the Processing language.

Lubos Lenco previews using Blender as a 3D editor for Haxe and the Kha framework.

blender social
Use Blender as a 3D editor for Haxe and Kha

Franco Ponticelli has released thx.unit which contains abstract classes for various kinds of units which can automatically convert between any other one of the 100+ units in the library.

Franco has also re-implemented and re-released thx.color which is a general purpose colour library for Haxe. Franco makes use of abstracts which allow you to use String or Int when representing a colour.

Nico has created a dark, minimal theme for FlashDevelop, named Sliderock.

I found the Cartography Coordinate Tools library through this gist, both created by the MadeByPi agency. The library “provides calculators and conversion tools for earthly coordinate systems”.

A while ago Media Monks released their latest mobile game Guerlain, built with Haxe and Flambe. Mark Knol has written Guerlain - A Mobile Platformer Game which gives you a general overview of how the game was created.

And to finish this weeks roundup off, Jacob Albano has announced that his game Iridescence will be launching soon on all desktop platforms simultaneously.