Haxe Roundup № 206

by Skial Bainn published on

Lets start off with an article written by Lars Doucet titled Dear Adobe: Support Haxe, save your Tools. With a great title, Lars goes into how Adobe can profit big from depending on Haxe and all its awesome features and name dropping big companies who already profit from using Haxe, TiVo, Nickelodeon, Disney, Toyota and more, articles like this help bring attention to Haxe, but with some comments saying that associating with Flash is dragging down Haxe, is it the correct type of attention that Haxe and the community needs?

Lars article has also received plenty of positive comments and Lars is a great supporter of Haxe, the article just raises some interesting thoughts.

Motion Twins have released their latest Haxe game Uppercup Football to the Play Store and AppStore.

Another football game has also been released, World Cup Heroes available on BlackBerry and Android devices.

Ohmnivore has created HxCLAP for use in a game he is making “where the user will be interacting with shells”. HxCLAP is a port of CLAP, a CPP command line argument parser. I'm assuming this demo that Ohmnivore created uses HxCLAP.

TiagoLr has renamed Game Console to DConsole. DConsole is a real time console that allows you to access, modify and monitor fields, profile in real time, evaluate complex expressions and loads more.

haxe dconsole
DConsole GC Profiler

GoTo definition has landed in the SublimeText Haxe bundle which was contributed by Dan Korostelev. Just press Ctrl+< to goto definition.

HIDE this week has been getting a lot of positive praise, which Boyan Ololoevich deserves for his hard work. Jonas Nyström has posted over on Google+ a screenshot of HIDE on Ubuntu looking sweet using the metrodark theme.

haxe hide social
HIDE on Ubuntu with the metrodark and mbo themes

The guys that make up the Shark Punch team who are working on The Masterplan have just been Greenlit on Steam!

I came across this article titled Summary on the use of OpenFL engine which describes OpenFL, the improvements that have been contributed by the author, I think, and the current risks by using OpenFL.

Ben Morris has created and released hxpk which is a port of the libGDX texture packer which packs image assets into texture atlases for efficient rendering. Hxpk is a full port and includes all features of the original library.

Lets finish off with a demo of HaxeStudio 0.3.5 by Pah Arif.