Haxe Roundup № 197

by Skial Bainn published on

If your attending WWX2014 the 4th International Haxe Conference, then you're lucky. But you will likely need somewhere to stay, so checkout the details for the official WWX2014 Hotel. There is only a month until it kicks off!

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World Wide Haxe Conference 2014

Nico Zimmermann and his team from Britzpeterman have created another brilliant piece of work created with Haxe/js call Net Wars.

“Inspired by current political discussions of leading world powers, netwars is a fact-based TV documentary, interactive web documentary, TV movie and graphic novel app, which explores the impending threat of cyberwarfare.”

NetWars Project

Nico posted Net Wars to the Haxe mailing list where he goes into detail about the performance issues they encountered, the frameworks they used and the solutions they came up with.

Andreas Rønning has written My story with HaxeNME and OpenFL which is an easy read, take your time sort of article with which so much rings true to my own experience with Haxe. Worth a read.

Samuel Batista, one of the HaxeFlixel owners, has weighed in on the discussion of Flambe's development and contributions with his opinion on how HaxeFlixel became so popular.

Development of the HaxeFlixel engine rapidly accelerated by the creation of teams, by promoting major contributors to team members and also with the separation of code into several repositories as the main factors to its success.

By following all the various libraries and the issues that are raised, you sometimes come across issues which turn out to be a great little overview or reminder. In particular issue #2908, the haxe_ver conditional variable doesn't seem to support patch numbers, as in #if (haxe_ver >= 3.1.3). haxe_ver is treated as a Float, so 3.1.3 would become 3.103, 3.2.0 would be 3.200 and 3.1.10 would be 3.110.

Eduardo Dias creator of the upcoming WebGL engine, Haxor, has a preview of the microsite created using only Haxors UI classes.

Ventroy Rolle has created Haxe bindings for DirectX. HaxeDx uses “generated Haxe C# code to create DirectX applications, using the SharpDX library.” HaxeDx is meant to be a proof of concept for Lime integration.

The OpenFL team have released 1.4.0 with significant changes. In the blog post the most significant change is the new Lime and NME collaborative backend in which OpenFL and the reborn NME library have joined forces to unify their efforts to build a stable, fast native backend for all Haxe projects.

The OpenFL team have also improved upon the beta HTML5 backend to bring a more consistent Flash experience with better Canvas support and automated WebFont support. They have also added support for older or slower devices which uses the new DOM renderer using -Ddom. A WebGL renderer is planned, but only as a progressive enhancement.

The C++ side is no longer split between HXCPP and HxLibc since last weeks release of HXCPP 3.1.30 which is a unified combination of both libraries to make the best C++ library. All of HxLibc improvements have been merged into HXCPP and with the reunification of these libraries an improved release schedule is now possible.

Michel Käser has released hxdispatch 2.0.1. Hxdispatch is “an optionally asynchronous dispatch library for Haxe” with this release being the first highly usable and tested version working on all major targets. Looks promising.

Sam MacPherson has been reworking his Amazon Web Services libraries DynamoDB portion to be compatible with SPOD, the simple persistent objects database library.

Vadim has created and written about his .properties parser which is a simplistic, minimally tricky String.indexOf implementation that just works while having minimal impact on performance and memory.

Colapsydo has created Intra an old school raycast 3D procedural labyrinth adventure game created using OpenFL.


Andy Li has created an impressive library which gives Haxe the ability to create anonymous classes similar to Java, using the library hxAnonCls.

Andy has also created DashDox which allows you to have the Haxe API show up in the Dash app.

Leonardo Sá has created a small library that converts Haxe classes, objects to Xml and back. The library is called cereal.

And finally, over on the HaxeFlixel mailing list a call for action has been put out to help the development team make a 3.3.0 release by testing all the demos on the Flash target and at least one C++ target.